concepts | Decision making
TAGGED: Decision making
Long-term care insurance for married individuals: insuring one without the other?
2014 Conference Presentation Evaluation United States
10 May 2015
Professional discretion in the construction of adult safeguarding concerns
2014 Conference Presentation Safeguarding EnglandUnited Kingdom
09 May 2015
The development of employment and skills in the social care sector: a comparison of Germany and Japan
2012 Conference Presentation (Inter)national systemsWorkforce GermanyJapan
09 May 2015
Economic factors of demand for long-term care – a critical appraisal of the research literature and econometric results for Finnish data.
2012 Conference Presentation Economics Finland
09 May 2015
The role of older people in commissioning services: levels and outcomes
2012 Conference Presentation (Inter)national systemsOutcomes and quality EnglandUnited Kingdom
09 May 2015
Methodological challenges and issues in economic evaluations of long term care interventions
2012 Conference Presentation Economics United Kingdom
09 May 2015
Different perspectives on the appropriateness of care home entry: evidence from a balance of care study of older people with mental health problems
2012 Conference Presentation Care models United Kingdom
09 May 2015
Planning in advance for long-term care needs
2012 Conference Presentation Informal care EnglandUnited KingdomWales
08 May 2015
The professionals’ perspective on current information provision and user choice of long term care in England
2012 Conference Presentation (Inter)national systems EnglandSpainThe Netherlands
08 May 2015
Programmes in Sweden to stimulate innovation in technology and long term care
2012 Conference Presentation PolicyTechnology Sweden