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Help for elderly in European countries

2012 Conference Presentation

(Inter)national systems The Netherlands

7 September 2012

Help for elderly in European countries

Esther Mot, Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, The Netherlands
Riemer Faber, Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, The Netherlands


This presentation starts by describing the research design for the performance of LTC systems and presenting the performance framework used in ANCIEN. Following that, we present results for the probability that elderly with limitations will get help in different countries (representing the basic effectiveness of LTC systems). In this context, the concept of LTC systems includes not just the formal provision and financing of care, but also informal care. Like the life satisfaction analysis (see presentation 2), this analysis make use of wave 2 of SHARE, a large panel of older Europeans that contains detailed information on their limitations, health problems and LTC use.

The following SHARE countries are included in the analysis: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. In this presentation we show the effect of the LTC system in a country on the probability that elderly with limitations will get help, controlling for other relevant factors, such as socioeconomic factors, detailed information on limitations and health, household situation, etc. We also present differences among countries in the degree to which the help meets the needs of the users, if help is given. We show that there are substantial differences among countries in the probability of receiving help and also in the sufficiency of the help.
