concepts | Statistics
TAGGED: Statistics
Cost disparities in Swiss nursing homes: explanatory factors related to homes and cantons in a two-level statistical analysis
2010 Conference Presentation Economics Switzerland
18 May 2015
Care transitions in late old age: factors associated with changes in receipt of care in Newcastle at age 85+
2014 Conference Presentation Care models EnglandUnited Kingdom
15 May 2015
Long term care: an analysis of the profile of the professional caregivers
2014 Conference Presentation Workforce Spain
11 May 2015
Alzheimer’s disease: is a caregiver’s value dependent on their caring skills?
2014 Conference Presentation Informal care France
11 May 2015
What affect residents’ nursing homes satisfaction: Italy versus Ontario experiences
2014 Conference Presentation Outcomes and qualityResidential Care CanadaItaly
09 May 2015
Rural Long term care policy for China: evidence from CHARLs
2014 Conference Presentation Informal care China
09 May 2015
Factors determining the demand for long term care (LTC) in the Norwegian municipalities
2012 Conference Presentation Economics Norway
09 May 2015
International comparison of long term care quality monitoring: case Finland
2012 Conference Presentation (Inter)national systems Finland
07 May 2015
Disability costs and equivalence scales in the older population
2012 Conference Presentation EconomicsEquity United Kingdom
06 May 2015
Effects of obesity and smoking on the risk for nursing home use, 2002–2008
2012 Conference Presentation DemandEvaluation United States
06 May 2015
Changes in quality of life, pain and physical performance among the elderly participating in inpatient or outpatient group rehabilitation
2012 Conference Presentation Care modelsOutcomes and quality Finland
06 May 2015
Formal and informal care hours provided to elderly home care clients in Finland
2012 Conference Presentation Case management Finland