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12th to 14th of September 2024

7th International conference on evidence-based policy and long-term care, Bilbao, Spain

ILPN2024 – Plenary Speakers

ILPN2024 – Plenary Speakers

Organised by: International Long Term Care Network. Co-organisers: The London School of Economics and Political Science & Bizkaia - Foru Aldundia Diputación Foral

The 7th International Conference on Evidence-based Policy in Long-Term Care will be held between 12 and 14 September 2024 in Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain.

This year’s Conference takes place at the Euskalduna Conference Centre.

We are delighted to present our Plenary Speakers.

Photo of Norma Coe

Professor Norma Coe

Title: Securing the Future: Costs and Benefits of Long-term Care Insurance at the Individual, Family and Societal Levels

Norma B. Coe, PhD a Professor of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. She is also is the Director of Research at Penn’s Leonard Davis Institute, and Co-Director of the NIH-funded Population Aging Research Center (PARC). Her research interests are in health economics and public finance. Dr. Coe’s work strives to identify causal effects of policies that directly and indirectly impact health, human behavior, health care access, and health care utilization. A major focus of her research has been long-term care access, costs, insurance, and delivery, with a particular emphasis on people living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD).

Dr. Coe holds a PhD in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Photo of Stefania Ilinca

Dr Stefania Ilinca

Title: Ageing with Care – Promoting Long-Term Care as Part of the Healthy Ageing and Universal Health Coverage Agendas

Dr Stefania Ilinca is Technical Officer for long-term care with the WHO Regional Office for Europe, a Senior Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health and a Salzburg Global Seminar fellow. She has extensive experience working at the interface between policy and research, dividing her time between policy advice, technical support, applied research and advocacy efforts. Her work focuses on innovation and service design in health and long-term care systems and discrimination and inequity in access to health and long-term care, with particular attention to strengthening care delivery for people with complex needs, supporting integrated care models and improving access to needed care over the life course.

Photo of Joseba Zalakain

Dr Joseba Zalakain

Title: New Perspectives for the Comparative Analysis of Long-Term Care Systems in Europe

Joseba Zalakain is an expert in social sciences policy analysis. Director of the SIIS Social Information and Research Center at the Eguía Careaga Foundation since 2007, he earned his degree from the University of the Basque Country and later a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Social Work from the Public University of Navarre. Since joining SIIS in 1996, Joseba has spearheaded critical research and studies addressing significant social issues including poverty, social exclusion, long term care, aging, and family policies. His notable projects include pivotal studies on minimum income benefits, child poverty, long term care systems and residential exclusion within the Basque region. He has also collaborated with the governments of other Spanish regions in the development of their social care system. In addition to his research endeavours, Joseba has been a member of the Advisory Council of the Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare and of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Social Policy Network (REPS). He also contributes to the scholarly community as a member of the editorial boards for the Spanish Journal of Disability and Zerbitzuan Social Services Journal.


If you have any queries about the conference, please contact the ILPN Organising Committee at

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We are looking forward to welcoming you to Bilbao for the ILPN conference 2024!

Organised by: International Long Term Care Network. Co-organisers: The London School of Economics and Political Science & Bizkaia - Foru Aldundia Diputación Foral