concepts | Quantitative research
TAGGED: Quantitative research
2014 Conference Presentation
Potential and challenges of online service quality feedback mechanisms to support service consumption decisions
2014 Conference Presentation Outcomes and quality EnglandUnited Kingdom
15 May 2015
2012 Conference Presentation
What can policy-makers learn from the messages and advice young adults’ give to their peers in interviews about their experiences of growing up with a chronic illness?
2012 Conference Presentation Care modelsPolicy United Kingdom
09 May 2015
2012 Conference Presentation
Quality and cost of non-profit nursing-home group in Valencian region (Spain)
2012 Conference Presentation Residential Care Spain
07 May 2015
06 May 2015
2012 Conference Presentation
Is what I give worth what I would pay for? Quantitative and qualitative evidence for informal caregivers providing assistance to French community-dwelling elderly
2012 Conference Presentation Informal care France