ilpn_themes | Service Commissioning and Regulation
TAGGED: Service Commissioning and Regulation
2012 Conference Presentation
How can older people who choose not to manage their own personal budgets still be ensured personalised support?
2012 Conference Presentation Personalisation EnglandUnited Kingdom
07 May 2015
2012 Conference Presentation
Welfare effects of vouchers: evidence from Finnish sheltered housing
2012 Conference Presentation Markets/regulation Finland
07 May 2015
2012 Conference Presentation
Long term care of older people in New Zealand: inconsistent data describing patterns of the past may mislead when informing the future
2012 Conference Presentation Evaluation New Zealand
07 May 2015
2012 Conference Presentation
Pay-for-performance in five U.S. states: lessons for the nursing home sector
2012 Conference Presentation Markets/regulation United States
07 May 2015
The definition and implementation of best practice and quality standards in long-term care in eight European countries
Outcomes and quality United Kingdom
06 May 2015
2012 Conference Presentation
Complying to the standard of integrated diabetic care
2012 Conference Presentation Care modelsOutcomes and quality The Netherlands
06 May 2015
2012 Conference Presentation
Improving quality in long term care: regulation, public reporting or quality improvement
2012 Conference Presentation Markets/regulationOutcomes and quality Canada